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Lewis, A., Bell, A., Casas, A., Kupiec-Teahan, B., Sanchez, J., Willcock, S., Anciano, F., Barrington, D., Dube, M., Hutchings, P., Karani, C., Llaxacondor, A., López, H., Mdee, A., Ofori, A., Riungu, J., Russel, K., Parker, A. "Comparative sanitation data from high-frequency phone surveys across 3 countries." Data in Brief (2024): 110635. Find It Here

Elderbrock, E., Russel, K., Ko, Y., Budd, E., Gonen, L., Enright, C,. (2024) “Evaluating Urban Green Space Inequity to Promote Distributional Justice in Portland, Oregon.” Land, 13, 720. Find It Here


VanRiper, F., Russel, K., Tillias, D., Tilt, J., Laporte, J. (2022). “Container-based sanitation in urban Haiti: how can it improve human rights as a component of citywide inclusive sanitation?”. H2Open Journal, 5(1), 135-152. Find It Here


Ferguson, C., Mallory, A., Anciano, F., Russel, K., Valladares, H. D. R. L., Riungu, J., & Parker, A. (2022). A qualitative study on resource barriers facing scaled container-based sanitation service chains. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 12(3), 318-328. Find It Here

F. VanRipper, K. Russel, L. Cramer, D. Tillias, J. Laporte, E. Lloyd, S. Kramer. 2022. “Container-based sanitation services and attrition: an examination of drivers and implications.” Frontiers of Environmental Science. 9:817142.  Find It Here


F. VanRipper, K. Russel, D. Tillias, J. Laporte, E. Lloyd, L. Cramer, S. Kramer. 2021. “The sanitation arc: an alternative examination of WASH behavior change.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 7(1), 2080003. Find It Here

Ward, P., Castro, I.(S), Fiorelli, T.(S), Fretz, M., Ko, Y.(Co-I), Lee, J.H. (Co-I), Russel, K.(Co-I), da Sivla, C.(S), Van Den Wymelenberg, K.(PI). 2020. “Open Home Project: Designing Modular Housing and Landscapes for Resilient Communities.” American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, online; August 17-21, 2020. Find It Here

K. Russel, M. Buman, J. Davis, & W. Haskell. 2020 Estimating energy expenditure of head-hauling water and grain grinding from heart rate monitor measurements in northern Mozambique. Public Health Nutrition, 1-12. Find It Here

K. Russel, K. Hughes, M. Roach, D. Auerbach, A. Foote, S. Kramer, & R. Briceño. 2019. "Taking Container-Based Sanitation to Scale: Opportunities and Challenges." Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 190. Find It Here

K. Russel, S. Tilmans, S. Kramer, R. Sklar, D. Tillias and J. Davis. 2015. “User perception of and willingness to pay for household container-based sanitation services: experience from Cap Haitien, Haiti.” Environment and Urbanization Vol 27, No 2, pp. 525-540 Find It Here


S. Tilmans, K. Russel, R. Sklar, L. Page, S. Kramer, and J. Davis. 2015. “Container-Based Sanitation: Assessing Costs and Effectiveness of Excreta Management in Cap Haitien, Haiti.” Environment and Urbanization, Vol 27, No 1 pp 89-104. doi:10.1177/0956247815572746. Find It Here


J. Ho, K. Russel and J. Davis. 2014. “Evaluating the efficacy of Euclidean distance and self-reported travel time as proxies for water fetching distance.” Journal of Water and Health. Vol 12 No 1 pp 173–183 doi:10.2166/wh.2013.042. Find It Here


V. Zuin, L. Ortolano, M. Alvarinho, K. Russel, A. Thebo, O. Muximpua, and J. Davis. 2011. “Water resale to neighbors in Maputo, Mozambique: costs, service quality, and user satisfaction.” Journal of Water and Health, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 773-784. doi:10.2166/wh.2011.031. Find It Here



Peer-Reviewed Publications

Learn more about Prof. Russel’s research at Google Scholar .

Policy Reports, Book Chapters and Other Publications


Lewis, Amy R. and Bell, Andrew R. and Casas, Ana and Kupiec-Teahan, Beata and Mendoza Sanchez, José and Anciano, Fiona and Barrington, Dani J. and Dube, Mmeli and Hutchings, Paul and Karani, Caroline and Llaxacondor, Arturo and López, Hellen and Mdee, Anna L. and Ofori, Alesia D. and Riungu, Joy N. and Russel, Kory C. and Parker, Alison H. and Willcock, Simon (2024). Longitudinal Sanitation Data From High-Frequency Phone Surveys Across Three Countries, 2020-2024. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-857073 Find It Here


Russel, K., Kristensen, B., Rycewicz, Audrey. “Designing for the Intimate Shared Reality of All Species.” Art installation within the Dean Adrian Parr’s Transpecies Design Exhibit. 2023 Venice Architectural Biennale. Find It Here


K. Russel and Isabella Montgomery. Container-Based Sanitation Implementation Guide 1st Edition. Container-Based Sanitation Alliance, London, UK. 2020. Find It Here

K. Russel, A. Oko-Williams, and L. Diaz. 2018. “With Elephant, Rider, Path, behavior change isn’t rocket science.”  UCD in Sanitation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Find It Here 


Hall, R., Davis, J., Van Houweling, E., Vance, E. A., Carzolio, M., Seiss, M., and Russel, K. 2014. “Impact Evaluation of the Mozambique Rural Water Supply Activity.” Millennium Challenge Corporation, United States of America. pp. 1-120. Find It Here

K. Russel and N. Cariello. 2012. “Every Drop Counts: Rural Water and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa.” SAUTI: Stanford Journal of African Studies, Volume VIII: pp. 15-17. 2011-2012. Find It Here

K. Russel, “Quantification of Call Variations Between Sub-Regional Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) Populations” 2005. Master of Environmental Science Thesis. Find It Here

Reports and White Papers Featuring Contributions

National Science Foundation (NSF) Landscape Carbon Sequestration for Atmospheric Recovery White Paper: A Perspective on Convergence to Accelerate Carbon Sequestration. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. [Silva LCR, Wood M, Johnson B, Bomfim B, Coughlan M, Smith M, Brinton H, Bridgham S, and McGuire K (eds.)] 2019. Find It Here

World Bank. 2019. “Evaluating the Potential of Container-Based Sanitation.” World Bank, Washington, DC. Find It Here

re.source sanitation work featured in; Designing the Next Generation of Sanitation Businesses: A Report by Hystra for the Toilet Board Coalition. September 2014. Find It Here

re.source sanitation work featured in; A Collection of Contemporary Toilet Designs. EOOS and WEDC, Loughborough University. 2014, 

ISBN: 978 1 84380 155 9  Find It Here

Fellowships | Awards | Grants

University of Oregon 2016-current

2024 - Environmental Studies Interdisciplinary Seed Grant, from Environmental Studies Program, University of Oregon (Co-PI)


2022 - IDEAL Grant, from the Office of the Vice President for Equity and Justice, University of Oregon (PI)


2022 - Oregon ASLA Student Honor Award for Fostering Resilience: Implementing community nursery at Opportunity Village Eugene (Faculty Advisor)

2021 - Faculty Research Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Oregon


2021 - I3 Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Oregon


2020 - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), Rethinking the off-grid city grant. (International Co-PI).


2019 - ASLA Student Award of Excellence for Residential Design: Codesigning Green Sanitation Infrastructure: A Framework for Informal Settlements (Faculty Advisor)

2019 - UO Resilience Initiative seed funding - Core team member of "Grid enhancing resilient housing" and "Integrated social, environmental and economic justice framework to build resilient communities for vulnerable unhoused populations."


2019 - Faculty advisor to student team who won the 2019 ASLA Student Award of Excellence for Residential Design: Codesigning Green Sanitation Infrastructure: A Framework for Informal Settlements


2019 - University of Oregon Foundation’s Trustee Excellence Fund. (Landscape for humanity: multifunctional landscapes co-designed for vulnerable urban populations - with Yekang Ko, Jacques Abelman and Jun Lee


2019 - Town and Gown Sustainability Award 2019, University of Oregon. Landscape for Humanity - with Yekang Ko, Jacques Abelman and Jun Lee

2019 – United Stated Environmental Protection Agency Phase 1 P3 Award

              - EPA P3 Student Team awarded best design from the Society of Civil                              Engineers at the 2019 TechConnect Expo in Boston

              - EPA P3 Student Team awarded best design from the Institute for Chemical                   Engineers at the 2019 TechConnect Expo in Boston.


2018 – Faculty Design Research Award, School of Architecture & Environment, University of Oregon


2017 – Faculty Research Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Oregon


2017 – Sustainability Faculty Fellowship, University of Oregon


Stanford University 2009-2015

2015 – Rising Environmental Leaders Program, Woods Institute, Stanford University


2014 – United Stated Environmental Protection Agency Phase 1 P3 Award (re.source)

              - Student Choice Award at 2015 EPA P3 Expo

              - Honorable Choice at 2015 EPA P3 Expo


2014 – Charles H. Leavell Graduate Student Fellowship, Stanford University


2014 – Social Entrepreneurship Scholarship, SOCAP 2014


2013 – Haas Center Graduate of Public Service (GPS) Fellowship, Stanford University


2013 – Showcase of Solutions for Planetary Sustainability – Winner: Outstanding Overall Solution (re.source), Sustainable Silicone Valley


2013 – Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED) Design Lab Grant (re.source), Stanford University


2012 – The Woods Institute for the Environment Mel Lane Grant (re.source), Stanford University


2011-2013 – Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenge Exploration Round 6 Grant


2011-2014 – United Stated Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellowship


2011 – NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention


2011 – Rotary District Scholar Fellowship


2011 – Center for African Studies Summer Fellowship, Stanford University


2010 – Center for Latin American Studies FLAS Fellowship, Stanford University


2009 – Polhemus Fellowship, Stanford University

Media | Presentations | News 


News Articles and Web-based Media

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A team of landscape architecture students (Adam DeHeer, Nicholas Sund, Summer Young and Emma Hershey) advised by Prof. Russel recently won the 2019 ASLA Award for Excellence in Residential Design. Find out more here.

2024 - UO researchers offer new ways to boost urban green space equity. UO Oregon News Website.

2024 - Why Rain Gardens Are the Sustainable and Striking Feature Your Yard Needs. Architectural Digest

2023 - Maybe It's Time for a Bidet. Dwell Magazine

2022 - Architects & Settlement Experts Provide Global Perspectives on Refugee Housing. UO College of Design

2022 - Landscape for Humanity: Project-Based Education with a Compassionate Focus from the College of Design

2021 - Are bidets really better for the planet than toilet paper? Sarah Kiley Watson. Popular Science


2021 - The 2021 Faculty Research Awards go to 12 UO scholars


2021 - I3 seed funding program awards grants to four research teams

2019 - UO Resilience Initiative seed funding - Core team member of "Grid enhancing resilient housing" and "Integrated social, environmental and economic justice framework to build resilient communities for vulnerable unhoused populations."

2019 - UO LA student team won the 2019 ASLA Student Award of Excellence for Residential Design: Codesigning Green Sanitation Infrastructure: A Framework for Informal Settlements 

Ko, Abelman, and Russel Win 2019 University of Oregon Sustainability Award for Town & Gown.  University of Oregon, Office of Sustainability.  

Students Dig In At Opportunity Village

WASHNote - AfricaSan is now five! And we are learning fast


Landscape Architecture Students Clean Up in EPA Design Competition. University of Oregon College of Design. December 6, 2018.

Rethinking Human Waste. University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History. February 2, 2018 


@WSSCCouncil World Toilet Day Tweet Chat. November 20, 2017.


You’re Tuned to CBS: SOIL’s Sasha Kramer, Kory Russel, and Container Based Sanitation. SHHH Podcast. June 23, 2016. 


Sanitation: When Toilets Fly. The Dish. March 16, 2015. 


Sanitation solution for urban slums gets national recognition. The Dish. Oct 4, 2014. 


Dry toilets are a thing that might save the world. Nov 7, 2014.


Third Sanitation Experts Webinar, “Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas,” SuSanA Forum. 


Sanitation project wins kudos from sustainability leaders. The Dish. June 4, 2013. 


2024 - Speaker and Panelist. Spatial Justice: Spectrums of Practice. Eugene, Oregon. May 18.


2024 - Hopes Conference, Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub. “Designing the future: Global engagement in design education.” Eugene, Oregon. April 20.


2024 - Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment: ASLE Spotlight. “Extinctions & Extractions: New Work in Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities Panel.” Virtual ( Jan 30.


2023 - Venice Biennale Workshop: German Pavilion “Circular Sanitation Days.” Virtual. Venice, Italy. Oct 19-23.



2023 - Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment + Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Joint Conference. Session Speaker: “Designing for the Shared Intimate Reality of All Species.” Portland, Oregon and Online. July 9-12. ( - Kenya Water & Sanitation International Conference & Exhibition. Plenary Speaker: “Capacity Development and Research.” Mombasa, Kenya. June 19-23.


2022 - Landscape Architecture Construction International Conference. Speaker: “Rethinking the integration of water and wastewater with urban spaces.” Online. Dec 17-18.


2022 - APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference. Hawaii. Water and Wastewater Working Group Leader. Sept. 6-9.


2022 - Adaptive Refugee Housing Project. Global Perspectives Panel. University of Oregon. March 30.


2022 - FSMA Spotlights Webinar: The Container-Based Sanitation Implementation Guide. Feb. 17.

2021 - APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Live Webinar Series. Session 3: Urban Sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Container-Based Sanitation. Sept. 13.


2021 - Rich Earth Institute Summit 2021. Online (Battleboro, Vermont). Speaker for Session: Global Partnerships for Urine Reclamation.


2021 - World Water Week 2021. Online (Stockholm, Sweden). Speaker in Session: Catalyzing sustainable futures for sanitation? Innovative financing and planning tools. August 26.


2021 - Colorado WASH Symposium. Speaker for Session: The Future of Container-Based Sanitation: Innovative, Cost-Effective, and Climate Positive. Boulder, Colorado. March 11 – 12.

2020 - APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference 2020. New Zealand. The Future of Wastewater and Sanitation Working Group Leader. December 14-18.


2020 - Making Do Conference. Virtual Symposium. Reversing the Flow: Global South to Global North Knowledge Transfer. November 20.


2020 - Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy. The University of North Carolina. Virtual Poster. Calculating the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Container-based Sanitation Systems. October 27.


2020 - Rich Earth Institute Summit. Online (Battleboro, Vermont). Speaker and Moderator for Session: Container-based sanitation alliance notes from the field. September 16.


2020 - World Water Week 2020. Online (Stockholm, Sweden). Speaker in Session: Convergence of sanitation and climate crises. Break-out session 1: Using Emissions Data. August 24.


2020 - Institute for Health and the Built Environment. Building Health: Environmental. Designed. Determinants. Virtual Symposium. Speaker for Session: Housing Determinants – Water reuse and Container-based sanitation. May 14.

2019 – Global Sanitation Economy Summit 2019. Pune, India. Panelist: The Sanitation Economy and Climate Change. Nov 18 – 21.


2019 – Container-Based Sanitation Alliance Session at World Water Week 2019. Stockholm, Sweden. Speaker and Moderator for Session: Container based sanitation: Affordable and innovative services for all. August 25 – 30.


2019 – Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2019 Conference: Engaged Scholarship Panel. Landscape for Humanity: New design pedagogies for critical landscape engagement. Sacramento, California. March 8.


2019 – Combined AfricaSan5 and Fifth International Fecal Sludge Management (FSM5) Conferences. Cape Town, South Africa. Speaker in several sessions including: 1) Container Based Systems and Capacity Building. 2) Private Sector Dialogue: Promoting the Enabling Environment for Non-sewered Sanitation. 3) Monitoring and Using Evidence to Improve Hygiene and Sanitation: Accelerating Sanitation Access Through Mobile IT. 4) Achieving Urban Equality Workshop: The Potential of CBS for Realizing the Human Right to Sanitation in Urban Settings.  February 18-22.

2018 – APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes. Hong Kong, China. The Future of wastewater and Sanitation Working Group Leader. September 6 – 9.


2018 – World Water Week 2018. Stockholm, Sweden. Container Based Sanitation and the Sanitation Economy. August 28.

2018 - ASLA Oregon Design Symposium. Portland, Oregon. Healthy Places, Healthy People. 


2017 – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation User Centered Design for Sanitation Convening. Seattle Washington. Participant representing the CBSA and re.source sanitation. September 25 – 28.


2017 – APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes. Portland, Oregon. The Future of wastewater and Sanitation Working Group Leader. September 15 – 17.


2017 – Sanitation Community of Practice (SanCop) 19. University College, London. Container-Based Sanitation Alliance and Sanitation Safety Planning. April 6.


2016 – Global Toilet Business, Innovation & Investment Summit. Mumbai, India. Co-facilitator for Container Toilet Meeting. November 17.

2016 - HEST Seminar Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon. Rethinking Urban Infrastructure and Services: Capturing Waste and Creating Resources in Cap Haitien, Haiti. May 2.


2016 – Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. San Francisco. Expanding sanitation services: Impacts of a container-based, household toilet and human waste collection service in a dense urban slum of Cap Haitien, Haiti. April 1.


2015 – Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy. University of North Carolina. Does the installation of improved water sources impact the burden of water fetching? Results from Nampula, Mozambique. October 27.


2015 – Third International Fecal Sludge Management (FSM3) Conference. Hanoi, Vietnam. Impacts of a container-based household toilet and waste collection service in Cap Haitien, Haiti. January 20.


2014 – Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy. University of North Carolina. Impacts of a container-based household toilet and waste collection service in Cap Haitien, Haiti. October 16.


2013 – International Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Symposium. Stanford University. re.source: Piloting a low cost container-based household sanitation service. May 17.


2011 – International Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Symposium. Stanford University. Measurement and Modeling of Water Fetching Energy Expenditure. April 15.


2011 – Chi Crossroads Conference, The Woods Institute for the Environment. Stanford University. FIB and nitrate contamination of water supplied by SSIPs and the water utility in Maputo, Mozambique. January 14.

© 2023 by Kory C. Russel PhD.

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